New Citizen Advocacy Group: Tennesseans Reclaiming Educational Excellence

Posted on January 17, 2014


A new group has formed in Tennessee to advocate for student-centered education policy, calling themselves  Tennesseans Reclaiming Educational Excellence.  Their website outlines their plan to mobilize communities to advocate against education reform policies here in Tennessee and advocate for student centered policies.  Though I disagree with them on several points, they do highlight some important issues that everyone in Tennessee, including some of the groups the criticize, can support when it comes to education policy:

  • Full funding for the state education formula
  • Developing compensation, evaluation and support plans for teachers to make Tennessee a top destination for educators
  • Provide student services and support needed for students to achieve
  • Ensuring manageable class sizes
  • Funding universal, voluntary public pre-kindergarten programs

As a teacher I’ve seen the positive impact all these policies can have on student academic outcomes.  Here’s to hoping that in the midst of their advocacy they bring more attention to these important issues in districts across our state.

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