This is part 2 of a series on how we use value-added data in Tennessee and across the nation. The entire series can be found below: Part 1: what the research says about value-added data Part 3: how to use…
This is part 1 of a series on how we use value-added data in Tennessee and across the nation. The entire series can be found below: Part 2: how value added data impacts teachers in the classroom Part 3: how…
Robert struggles academically. He often requires the concept to be explained in a one on one setting 3-4 times before truly getting it. And if we only assessed his value on growth in academics, we’d probably rank his growth as…
For the sake of our kids, we need an effective measure of student growth. But what constitutes student growth and whats the best way to go about quantifying it? Check out part 1 of our three part series on student growth!