Whats Working with Common Core: A Teachers Perspective

It has been over a month since the Tennessee Senate Education Committee held a hearing to dig deeper into Common Core State Standards (CCSS).  Proponents and opponents waited somewhat patiently while appointees read the math and literacy standards on the first day.  The second day began and ended with seven testimonies for each side.  Eight hours of testimony without a break for lunch begot a plethora of information though not all of it was clear or useful.  One point is clear though.  Even the Education Committee had misconceptions of the new standards.

During the reading of the standards and throughout the testimonies, committee members asked a multitude of questions for clarity about the language, purpose, and implementation of the standards.  However, the focal question really needed to be “Are they working?”  Tennessee has already begun its full implementation of the standards despite unanswered questions, and students will soon tackle the 2014-2015 PARCC assessment.  By this time, we should be hearing teacher feedback on the classroom success and struggle of CCSS thus far.   However, I was the only active teacher testifying that day- the only person in the room to have actually taught the standards to our students.

Instead of asking whether or not they were working, the questions revolved around the federal takeover of education, the collection of personal student data, and the technology needed for assessments.  Tennessee Education Commissioner Kevin Huffman began the day of testimony by answering a barrage of questions about language in the standards, subject content, curriculum changes, cost, accountability, quality, and so many other fundamental tidbits.  Multiple testimonies from outsiders and Tennessee’s own continued through the day.  But again- what is actually working?  And where are we headed next?

Here is one thing that is working; Tennessee is working hard to prepare its educators to implement these rigorous standards.  The state wide summer trainings led by over 700 Core Coaches welcomed over 20,000 teachers and reformatted versions of those trainings continue to take place throughout districts.  These trainings offered teachers first hand practice at creating unit outlines, fostering student-led discussions, and deepening mathematical thought and computation.  As a recipient and leader of the trainings, I know they are effective.  I, as well as many other teachers, marched back into the classroom in August prepared to take our classes to another level.  But we are not there yet.  There are more teachers who need training and every teacher needs the opportunity to collaborate with their grade and content level.  The boost of CCSS training for the past two years is definitely a factor in Tennessee being the fastest improving state this year, but we cannot pull back.  We have to disperse the trainings to every school building across Tennessee.

What else is working?  The standards themselves.  We have known all along that our students are struggling readers and thinkers.  Instructional practice has slowly shifted to a student-centered, student-led classroom, but the previous standards (and corresponding assessments) have not held students accountable enough.  There has been disconnect between quality instruction, the standards, and the learner.  But I have seen firsthand how the new shifts in instruction through the increased cognitive demand can create discomfort that leads to greater discovery in students.  Children crave a challenge. and what teachers need to be prepared to be is a guide to direct them through the challenge.  However, the students are the ones to navigate the challenges, the higher-level skills.

We have a long way to go but Tennessee has already proven that we are determined to do what it takes to raise our students’ achievement.  As a teacher, I am honored to be a part of this redirection of education under the common core, and as always to be a citizen of the great state of Tennessee!

By Casie Jones

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Categories: Casie Jones, Common Core Implementation, Teacher Voice, Writers

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3 replies

  1. Mrs. Jones, as a TN teacher, I attended the state’s common core training sessions the past two summers. I attended math one summer and ELA the next. I respect your right to your opinion, and I’m glad you are finding things in the cc standards that benefit your students. However, what you experienced at the trainings was simply not the experience of the vast majority of teachers. I’m sure some presenters did a better job than others, but I spoke with many teachers in many sessions who came away very frustrated. As a common core coach, you are going to have a tough time being objective about this. I’ll be honest….when my first session began be hearing the phrase “fastest-improving”, I grew very uncomfortable. This whole ugly situation should never have been a race. I truly hope I’m wrong, for the sake of my own children and all of or students….but I believe the day will come that those who are innocently supporting cc will see the error of their ways.

    As to you being the only teacher who spoke about what’s working…knowing, as I hope you do, how most TN teachers REALLY feel, ask yourself why more aren’t speaking out. The answer? Fear. Now please ask yourself, why are teachers being made to fear publicly opposing cc? Do your own research, rather than just what TNCORE feeds you….you will likely find the answers more quickly than expected. On behalf of TN teachers and students, I urge you to do so. Thank you.


  1. What's Working with Common Core: A Teacher's Perspective - Classroom Chronicles
  2. Top 10 BCE Must Read Posts | Bluff City Education

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